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Seez is a Dubai-based startup that provides a mobile application for buying and selling cars in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The company's app allows users to search for and compare cars, view their specifications and pricing, and connect with sellers directly to purchase or sell their cars. Seez uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide personalized recommendations to its users, making the car buying and selling process more convenient and efficient. The company's office is located in the heart of Dubai's tech hub, Dubai Internet City, which is home to several other technology startups and multinational companies.

Seez was founded in 2016 by brothers Tarek and Andrew Kabrit, who identified a need for a more streamlined and tech-driven approach to car buying and selling in the UAE. Tarek serves as the CEO of the company, bringing his experience as a former investment banker and venture capitalist to the startup. Andrew, who has a background in software development, serves as the CTO of the company, leading the development of the Seez app.

Since its launch, Seez has experienced rapid growth, expanding its services to Saudi Arabia and raising several rounds of funding from notable investors such as Wamda Capital and 500 Startups. In 2019, Seez was recognized as one of the top 100 Arab startups by Forbes Middle East, solidifying its position as a leading player in the region's tech ecosystem. With its user-friendly app and innovative use of technology, Seez is well-positioned to continue disrupting the traditional car buying and selling industry in the UAE and beyond.

Company Details


DIFC, Gate Avenue Building, South Zone, Level 1, Seez Office Dubai, UAE